Modern day discoveries already mentioned in Vedas

Modern day discoveries already mentioned in Vedas

 The Vedas are one of the oldest ancient scriptures in the entire world. The fascinating thing is that some of the modern day discoveries are already mentioned in Vedas that stun many people even today. Here's the list of some of the discoveries existing in the age old scriptures "Vedas".



:The earth is round!

Even though there are several theories as to how earth is flat etc, at the end of the day the earth is round or spherical in common man's language. This took many space agencies countless amount of time to figure the shape of our living planet. But it was already mentioned in one of the mythological stories where "Varaha"(One of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu) saved the earth from drowning and it's clearing mentioned that the earth is in all sense round!


:There are nine planets in our solar system

The "Navagrahas"(Nava=nine, Grahas=planets or entity) were worshiped way back before space agencies gave us the information about our solar system. The interesting thing is that how did those people calculate or predict without any resources or machineries? It still remains a mystery!

Even though they were not mentioning the exact nine planet system(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) it was still accurate knowing that in the olden days there were no advance mechanisms to explore space. Instead they mentioned:-Sun, Moon , Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn , Rahu and Ketu north and south pole of the moon respectively(earth was not mentioned as they worshiped these other planets).

Not to mention all the remedies to modern day problems in our society is mentioned in the Vedas. One of the earliest civilization the Harappan civilization were experts in town planning, building over the top water canals and much more. All of these were made with the help of Vedas. It has all the solutions for all modern day problems. And this is not just there are several examples where Vedas predicted what was going to happen and what already happened. 


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